Michael Holt
Michael Holt is the author of the novella The Seaside Hotel (Sublunary Editions). His fiction has appeared in Conjunctions, Fence, Gulf Coast, Ninth Letter, and The Threepenny Review, among other journals. He grew up in Seattle, and currently resides in San Francisco. You can learn more about him at
Katharine Haake
Katharine Haake is the author of the eco-dystopian science fiction fable, The Time of Quarantine, and the California hybrid prose lyric, That Water, Those Rocks, and three collections of stories. Her work has appeared broadly and been recognized as distinguished by Best American Fiction and Best American Essays, among others. She is a professor of creative writing at California State University, Northridge.
Danika Stegeman
Danika Stegeman’s debut poetry collection, Pilot (2020), was published by Spork Press. She’s a 2023 recipient of a grant from the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund and recently spent a 2-week residency in Marathon, TX outside Big Bend National Park. Her video poem, “Then Betelgeuse Reappears” was an official selection for the 2021 Midwest Video Poetry Festival.
Stegeman received her MFA in creative writing from George Mason University where she was awarded the Heritage Fellowship. She currently lives in Roseville, MN. Her website is
Carter St Hogan
Carter St Hogan is a trans nonbinary writer, musician, and educator. Their fictions, essays, and poetry comics have been published with Best American Experimental Writing, Awst Press, McSweeney’s, Puerto del Sol, FANZINE, The Collagist, and others. S/he holds an MFA in Literary Arts from Brown University. Carter lives in Austin, TX, where s/he performs “homespun blasphemer queergrass” as Creekbed Carter, grows okra, and does 8,000 odd jobs for friends. Learn more at
Peter Christopher
Peter Christopher was an award-winning author and journalist. He was a writer-in-residence for the Writers Voice Workshop and a guest lecturer at Columbia University, New York University, University of Florida, and Portland State University's Haystack Program in the Arts. He joined the faculty of the Georgia Southern Writing and Linguistics Department in 1998, where he was instrumental in establishing and building the creative writing program. Peter inspired countless students, winning Georgia Southern University’s Dorothy Smith Golden Award for Excellence in Teaching. He also was awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and First Place in Story's Naked Fiction Competition. Peter passed away in 2008 at the age of 52.
Elizabeth Switaj
Elizabeth Kate Switaj is an academic administrator and cat rescuer in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. She holds a PhD from Queen's University Belfast and an MFA from New College of California. Her first collection of poetry, Magdalence & the Mermaids, was published by Paper Kite Press in 2009 and her book of literary criticism, James Joyce's Teaching Life and Methods was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2016. She previously taught in Japan and China and has been diving with bull sharks, whale sharks, and manta rays.
Matthew Revert
Matthew Revert is a multidisciplinary artist from Melbourne, Australia who works with visual art, writing, music and design. Follow him on Instagram so he feels less alone: @papercrisis or simply go to his frequently out of date website:
Cameron Pierce
Cameron Pierce is the author and editor of numerous books, most recently Taut Lines: Extraordinary True Fishing Stories (Little, Brown UK). In 2015, he was the Mellon scholar-in-residence at Rhodes University in South Africa. He lives on the Oregon coast.
Candice Wuehle
Candice Wuehle is the author of Death Industrial Complex (Action Books, 2020) and BOUND (Inside the Castle, 2018) as well as the chapbooks Signet of the Voice & Sword (Osmanthus, 2020), VIBE CHECK (Garden-door Press, 2017), EARTH*AIR*FIRE*WATER*ÆTHER (Grey Books Press, 2015), and curse words: a guide in 19 steps for aspiring transmographs (Dancing Girl Press, 2014). Her work has appeared in Best American Experimental Writing 2020, The Iowa Review, Black Warrior Review, Berkeley Poetry Review, Tarpaulin Sky and elsewhere. She earned an MA in Literature from The University of Minnesota, an MFA in Creative Writing from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and a PhD in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Kansas. She lives in Lawrence, Kansas with her husband and their rabbit, William.
Young Stepdad
Young Stepdad is a performance artist living somewhere in the United States.
David Leo Rice
David Leo Rice is a writer and animator from Northampton, MA, currently living in NYC. He’s the author of the novels A Room in Dodge City, A Room in Dodge City Vol. 2, ANGEL HOUSE, and The New House, coming in 2022. This is his debut story collection. He’s online at:
Dylan Krieger
Dylan Krieger is writing the apocalypse in real time in south Louisiana. She earned her BA in English and philosophy from the University of Notre Dame and her MFA in creative writing from LSU. Her first book, Giving Godhead (Delete, 2017), was dubbed "the best collection of poetry to appear in English in 2017" by the New York Times Book Review. She is also the author of Dreamland Trash (Saint Julian, 2018), No Ledge Left to Love (Ping Pong, 2018), The Mother Wart (Vegetarian Alcoholic, 2019), Metamortuary (Nine Mile, 2020), and Soft-Focus Slaughterhouse (11:11, forthcoming). Find her at
Jake Reber
JAKE REBER is a writer and artist. He is a co-curator of Hysterically Real and an editor for Recreational Resources. He has published several artist books and experimental projects, including Invasive Species (Void Front Press, 2019), Bureaucratic Topologies (Gauss-PDF, 2018), and Lobster Genesis (Orworse Press, 2016), among others.
Learn more about Jake Reber’s11:11 Press book, ZER000 EXCESS, here.
Evan Isoline
Evan Isoline is a writer and visual artist living on the Oregon coast. He has work online, in chapbook form, and his full-length debut 'PHILOSOPHY OF THE SKY' is forthcoming from 11:11 Press.
Louis Armand
Louis Armand is the author of the novels Glasshouse (Equus Press, 2018), The Combinations (Equus Press, 2016) & Cairo (Equus Press, 2014). In addition, he has published collections of poetry, including East Broadway Rundown (2015), The Rube Goldberg Variations (Vlak Records, 2015), & Synopticon (with John Kinsella; Litteraria Pragensia, 2012). He is the author of Videology (Litteraria Pragensia, 2015) & The Organ-Grinder’s Monkey: Culture after the Avantgarde (Litteraria Pragensia, 2013) & is formerly an editor of VLAK magazine. He lives in Prague.
Learn more about Louis Armand’s 11:11 Press book, The Garden (Director’s Cut), here.
Elisa Taber
Elisa Taber is a writer, translator, and anthropologist. Her writing and translations are troubled into being, even when that trouble is a kind of joy. She is co-editor of SLUG, guest editor of an Amerindian poetry series for Words without Borders, and editor at large at Seven Stories Press. Elisa lives between Buenos Aires and Montreal, where she is writing a PhD at McGill University on the ontological poetics of Amerindian literature.
Learn more about Elisa Taber’s 11:11 Press book, An Archipelago in a Landlocked Country, here.
Grant Maierhofer
Grant Maierhofer is the author of Gag (Inside the Castle, 2017), Clog (Inside the Castle, 2018), Postures, the nonfiction work Peripatet, and Drain Songs, forthcoming from FC2. He holds an MFA from the University of Idaho where in his final year he was the Hemingway Fellow. His shorter work is available in Egress Mag, 3AM Magazine, LIT, Always Crashing, and via his website
Learn more about Grant Maierhofer’s 11:11 Press book project, Works, here.
Sam Pink
SAM PINK‘s books include Person, The No Hellos Diet, Hurt Others, Rontel, Witch Piss, The Garbage Times/White Ibis, and The Ice Cream Man. His writing has been published widely in print and on the Internet and translated into other languages. He currently lives in Michigan and sells paintings from
Learn more about Sam Pink’s 11:11 Press book, Early Stuff, here.
Jinnwoo is a writer, musician and visual artist from Leicester (UK), currently living in Brighton (UK). He released a solo record 'Strangers Bring Me No Light' in 2016 on Cargo records, as well as records with British Folk collectives Bird in the Belly (GF*M Records), and Green Ribbons (Matiere Memoire Records). His vocals also featured on Kyla La Grange's second album 'Cut Your Teeth' (Sony Records) and Ben Walker's debut solo record 'Echo' (Folk Room Records).
As a visual artist, Jinnwoo has produced work for the likes of Island Records, Warner Records, Thirty Tigers Records, as well as appearing in publications such as The Guardian, Beijing Today, Wonderland Magazine, Oh Comely Magazine and fRoots. In his spare time, Jinnwoo watches DVD's in bed.
Little Hollywood is Jinnwoo's debut book.
Learn more about Jinnwoo’s 11:11 Press book, Little Hollywood, here.
A.S. Coomer
A.S. Coomer is a writer and musician. Books include: Rush's Deal, The Fetishists (Grindhouse Press, 2017), Shining the Light, Flirting with Disaster & Other Poems, The Devil's Gospel (The Wild Rose Press, 2019), The Flock Unseen (Clare Songbirds Publishing House, 2019), and Memorabilia (11:11 Press, 2019). He runs Lost, Long Gone, Forgotten Records, a "record label" for poetry. He co-edits Cocklebur Press.
Author website:
Author photo by Adrian Lime
Lean more about A.S. Coomer’s 11:11 Press book, Memorabilia, here.
Vi Khi Nao
VI KHI NAO is the author of three poetry collections, Sheep Machine (Black Sun Lit, 2018), Umbilical Hospital (Press 1913, 2017), and The Old Philosopher (winner of the Nightboat Prize for 2014), the short stories collection A Brief Alphabet of Torture (which won FC2’s Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Prize in 2016), and a novel, Fish in Exile (Coffee House Press, 2016). Her work includes poetry, fiction, film and cross-genre collaboration. Her stories, poems, and drawings have appeared in NOON, Ploughshares, Black Warrior Review and BOMB, among others. Vi holds an MFA in fiction from Brown University.
Learn more about Vi Khi Nao’s 11:11 Press book, Human Tetris, A Bell Curve Is a Pregnant Straight Line, and The Vegas Dilemma.
Ali Raz
ALI RAZ is co-author of Human Tetris (2020, 11:11 Press). Her work has appeared in the LA Review of Books, The Believer, and 3:AM Magazine, among others.
Learn more about Ali Raz’s 11:11 Press book, Human Tetris & Alien
Mike Corrao
MIKE CORRAO is the author of Man, Oh Man (Orson's Publishing, 2018). Along with earning a Best of the Net nomination, Mike's work has been featured in publications such as Entropy, Always Crashing, Collagist, and The Portland Review. He lives in Minneapolis where he earned his B.A. in film and English literature at the University of Minnesota. Gut Text is Mike's second novel. Learn more at
Learn more about Mike’s 11:11 Press book, Gut Text, here.
Vincent James Perrone
VINCENT JAMES PERRONE is a writer and musician from Detroit, Michigan. He is a winner of the Christopher T. Leland Scholarship in Creative Writing and former Editor-in-chief of the Wayne Literary Review.
Learn more about Vincent James Perrone’s 11:11 Press book, Starving Romantic, here.
J. N. Habiger
J.N. HABIGER is a designer and builder by trade - an artist, self professed solutionist, and reluctantly calls himself a philosopher. He is a University of Washington, Seattle, Analytic Philosophy graduate and has focused on the phenomenology of psychosis. It is this focus which inspired SAM. Learn more at
Learn more about J.N. Habiger’s 11:11 Press book, SAM, here.