The Secret Diary of a Soundcloud Rapper
Young Stepdad has finally done it: They captured the pulse of the internet in all its absurdity. This book reads like lyrics scraped from Soundcloud, remixed while dosed on pills, and scrawled out in a panic. THE SECRET DIARY OF A SOUNDCLOUD RAPPER is brutally honest, brutally funny... it's just plain brutal.— Michael J. Seidlinger, author of My Pet Serial Killer and Dreams of Being
The Secret Diary of a Soundcloud Rapper reads with the ugly-beautiful intimacy of a 3am exchange between strangers on the last bus home. It’s hilarious, disgusting, beautiful, bittersweet, nostalgic, and secretly tender. A Portrait of complex modern masculinity. Unabashedly presenting the tension between wanting to break things and to love things – wanting to be broken and wanting to be loved. It’s the most honest conversation I have been privy to in a long time. I hope I get to ride the bus home with this stranger again, soon. — Jinnwoo, author of Little Hollywood
Young Stepdad packs more realness onto each page than the entire social media feed of 1000 thirsty influencers. Rarely do we get such unrestricted access to so fascinating a mind. The Secret Diary of A Soundcloud Rapper is the shit! — Joshua Chaplinsky, author of The Paradox Twins and Kanye West - Reanimator
Thought-provoking, dark, funny, and compulsively entertaining, The Secret Diary of a Soundcloud Rapper doesn't just walk a fine line between brilliance and idiocy, it plunges headfirst into both with unabandoned, celebratory glee.— Andersen Prunty, author of fuckness and Failure As a Way of Life
Out Now // September 21, 2021
Sex. Death. Depression. Ghosts. Teeth. Love. Hate. Youth. Family. Drugs. Art. Culture. Memories. Fantasies.
Now let it burn.
Young Stepdad is a performance artist living somewhere in the United States.
Dropping September 21, 2021. Order your copy now!
ISBN: 9781948687430 (paperback)
ISBN: 9781948687546 (ebook)