11/20/2020 // Day 10: 11:11 Class --> No Bullsh*t Publishing with 11:11 Founder Andrew Wilt
The DIY approach to creating a respected and sustainable small press without
Charging submission fees
Having an old-boy-network
Accepting donations from large corporations
Hurting others or sacrificing your morals, dignity, & self-worth
Course Statement
I decided to develop this class because there are so many books looking for a good home, and there are many people who would love to start a press, but they don’t know where to begin. In teaching this class, I hope to bring these two worlds together: publishers who can make a home to support authors’ work and creative visions.
On principle, this class will be for those who are driven by the art itself. In this class, money is viewed only as a tool and not a motivator besides enabling more art to be produced at a higher quality. The goal for every press should be to break even so they can continue publishing new work. WE ARE FIRMLY AGAINST THE HYBRID MODEL OF PUBLISHING or any model wherein the author pays the publisher for publishing services. We believe it is the publisher’s responsibility to cover all publishing expenses and in this class you will learn how to do this at little or no cost.
Course Details
This will be a four-week class. We will meet Tuesdays from 8:30 PM CST until 10:30 PM CST beginning January 5, 2020. Prior to the first class, each student will coordinate a meeting with the instructor to talk one-on-one about their goals and vision for their publishing endeavor. At the end of the four-week class, each student will coordinate a 30-minute meeting with the instructor so they can ask any final questions to ensure they have all the tools they need to start their press.
In total, the class will have two one-on-one sessions and four small group workshops.
About the Instructor
Andrew J. Wilt is the founder and publisher at 11:11 Press. Before starting his own press, he spent a decade in the literary world as a professional writer and editor. Andrew has taught writing classes, led workshops, and worked for literary journals. He is the author of Age of Agility: The New Tools for Career Success, which is currently being used as a textbook in universities, nonprofits, and Fortune 500 companies. In addition to working at 11:11 Press, Andrew works in education and workforce development in the Twin Cities.
Course Outline
Week 1: Book Basics
Publishing flow chart, from submission to publication, which will act as a course overview
How to make a book (what is a book?)
ISBN Registration
LCCN registration
Library of Congress?
Your publishing values, mission, goals, aesthetic
Week 2: Contracts, the Author/Publisher Relationship, Physical Characteristics of the Book
Step by step look at each part of an author contract
Do’s/Dont’s when working with an author
Covers, layout, typesetting, and the physical characteristics of the book
Week 3: Printing/Distribution
Print on Demand (POD) vs. Print runs
Working with bookstores
Putting together a book budget (intro to sales, to be finished during week 4 w/ royalties)
Week 4: Pre/Post Publication
Blurbs/Review request (with samples)
Running events
PR/Building an audience/Marketing/Networking/Sales and other stuff you probably hate
Tracking sales/Royalties
Big Cartel/Squarespace/Ingram/eBay/book festivals
Merch & Designs
Sales tax/what to expect during tax season
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer or accountant, and therefore cannot give legal or financial counsel. We will talk about setting up a business, how to handle taxes (in the USA), and putting together contracts, but only as a way of sharing information based on my personal experiences.
By signing up for this class, you have read and agree to the above disclaimer.