General Submissions Now Open

It’s been a while but we come with good news.

Can you keep a secret? We are excited to (finally) re-open submissions, but keep this on the DL, we don't want to be added to one of those scamy submit-to lists.


Opens On

Thursday, September 1, 2022 2:00 AM

Ends On

Saturday, October 1, 2022 2:00 AM


11:11 Press is accepting full length manuscripts of fiction, poetry and hybrid work.

This includes novel-length fiction, short story collections, full length poetry collections as well as works that do not easily fall into these categories.

Please submit complete and full-length works via the submission manager.

Submissions are free but we do put many hours into reading them. If you would like to tip a few dollars to buy our editors coffee while they read your amazing work please use our Donorbox link.


If you are new to submitting or have questions about this process we put together a blog post that sets out most of what you need to know: you can read it here.

Please only send complete manuscripts.
Please only send one work at a time. Multiple manuscripts will be returned unread.
Please take a moment to understand the kind of work that is published by 11:11 Press.

We are primarily interested in work that is innovative, experimental and pushes the boundaries of what a book can do.

We have no hard restrictions on length or format, within reason. We are open to any work that would fill a book. We are open to works that play with design, formatting, typography and all other elements of the book, though we do ask that if you are sending us a traditional work that you use standard fonts and font sizes. We are open to work that includes, or are formed in their entirety by, images. If your work falls into this category please submit it as a .pdf.

To avoid any ambiguity: the amount of time and interest we have for work that is racist, homophobic, misogynistic or hateful is exactly 0. Take that garbage elsewhere.

We are open to considering work that has been previously published and had fallen out of print as well as works in translation. If this is the case please make a note in the cover letter including where (or in what language) the work was originally published, how long it has been out of print, confirmation that you control rights to the work and any other relevant information. We will not consider works that are currently in print in English. This includes self-published works that are still in print.

Feel free to include a synopsis of your work, if applicable, in your cover letter.

We are certainly open to innovative work that includes genre or speculative elements but please note that we have not published work that is traditional fantasy, science-fiction or horror in the past and are unlikely to do so in the future.

Simultaneous submissions are allowed and encouraged. Please just let us know in the cover letter if this is the case and please make sure to withdraw your submission if it is accepted elsewhere.

Please do not send multiple manuscripts at once and please wait until receiving a response to submit again.

If you find a typo or other small mistake in your work please do not resubmit, just leave a note in the original submission. Honestly, we really aren't too worried about it. If you do resubmit the same work twice both manuscripts will be declined unread.

We aim to respond to submissions within six months. If you have not heard from us after that time feel free to send a follow up e-mail. Unfortunately, we cannot provide feedback on manuscripts at this time. If you have read this far, then put a book recommendation in your cover letter and you'll get a gold star on your submission.

Make sure to log your submission on our Duotrope page!

And if you would like to say thank you, consider donating!

Accepted manuscripts will be slated for publication in 2024.

Andrew WiltComment