11/11/2020 // Day 1: Bad Luck Lullaby by Cameron Pierce

We are thrilled to announce Cameron Pierce’s new book, Bad Luck Lullaby, is tentatively scheduled for publication in September of 2021.


Who is Cameron Pierce?

Cameron Pierce is the author and editor of numerous books, most recently Taut Lines: Extraordinary True Fishing Stories (Little, Brown UK). In 2015, he was the Mellon scholar-in-residence at Rhodes University in South Africa. He lives on the Oregon coast.

Ok, but who IS Cameron Pierce?

If you’re shaking your head trying to figure out where you’ve heard Cameron’s name before, he’s been actively writing and publishing for over a decade. Before his success writing fishing-themed stories (which are amazing! Please check them out — Our Love Will Go the Way of the Salmon is one of my all-time favorite books) Cameron was the founding editor of Lazy Fascist Press, which published the early writing of several notable authors: Sam Pink, Scott McClanahan, Michael J Seidlinger, Juliet Escoria, Stephen Graham Jones, Brian Allen Carr, Blake Butler, Sean Kilpatrick, Andersen Prunty, Molly Tanzer, Michael Cisco, Matthew Revert, John Skipp, and many more.


No, man, I know his name from somewhere and it’s not the fishing stories and it’s not Lazy Fascist Press?

Ok, ok. He’s that Bizarro writer guy who wrote classics like Ass Goblins of Auschwitz, Die You Doughnut Bastards, and Lost in Cat Brain Land.

On a serious note, Cameron was responsible for curating an important writing scene about a decade ago, and he put together anthologies like The Best Bizarro of the Decade, In Heaven, Everything Is Fine: Fiction Inspired by David Lynch, and CCM's 40 Likely to Die Before 40: An Introduction to Alt Lit.


It’s been a true honor working with Cameron. Not only is he a brilliant writer, but he also laid the foundation for a small press like 11:11 to exist. Beginning with his popularization of Bizarro writing, then branching out to what people now call “Alt-lit”, and later, with his carefully crafted sentence-driven fishing stories, his touch can certainly be felt in the active and supportive small press lit scene we have today.

Bad Luck Lullaby is slated for publication in September of 2021, and we are so excited to share it with you.

- Andrew Wilt, Publisher, 11:11 Press